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Inle Lake - Intha Fishermen

Pictures by QT Luong

More pictures of Inle Lake Next pictures: Shan state
[1 : Overview]
[2 : Intha Fishermen]
[3 : Nyaung Shwe]
[4 : North]
[5 : Ywama]
[6 : West & Indein]

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Group of Intha fishermen at dawn with surface mist. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Group of Intha fishermen at dawn. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen gathering in dawn mist. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fisherman standing on boat stern to lift net basket. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen and sun. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fisherman using spear sticking through the top of basket to expose fish. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fisherman, sunrise. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Two Intha fishermen. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen rowing boats in early morning mist. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen with conical baskets in morning mist. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fisherman with freshly caught fish in basket. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fisherman lifting conical net basket. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen and reflections. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Group of Intha people fishing. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fisherman prepares to release conical basket. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Fisherman retrieves net. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fisherman gathering net. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fisherman on duggout with net. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Fisherman pulling up net while leg-rowing. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen with conical baskets in warm afternoon light. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen row with leg and hold conical baskets. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen row with backlit conical nets. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen use spear to stir weed and expose fish. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Above view of Intha fishermen. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen with setting sun. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen row with leg with setting sun. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen lifting traditional conical net at sunset. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha fishermen lifting conical basket net at sunset. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Leg-rowing Intha fishermen with lanterns at dusk. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color)
There are 29 color pictures on this page out of 127 color pictures of Inle Lake.