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Guanajuato - Houses

Pictures by QT Luong

More pictures of Guanajuato Next pictures: Mexico countryside
[1 : Overview]
[2 : Churches and sights]
[3 : Houses]
[4 : Streets and plazas]
[5 : Markets]
[6 : Panoramic views]
[7 : Outside town]

[CLICK on any picture to see a larger image and details, to add to selection, to order, and to download wallpaper.]

Houses built on steep hill,  early morning. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Vividly colored houses on hill, early morning. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Vividly colored houses on hill, early morning. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Steep hill with multicolored houses. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Houses painted with bright colors on a steep hillside. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Houses bordering Plazuela San Fernando. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Hotel restaurant building painted bright blue and yellow. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Restaurant El Canastillo de Flores on Plaza de la Paz. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Balcony with potted flowers. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Door and tree. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Closed doors of restaurant  Plazuela San Fernando. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Pink facade. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Blue doors and yellow wall on Plaza San Roque. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Street number sign. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) House. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Window decorated with many potted plants. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Entrance of one of the subterranean streets with a house built above. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Houses on a hillside built above a tunnel. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Fountain and public bench on Plazuela San Fernando. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Tree, publich bench, and house on Plazuela San Fernando. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color) Vegetation and houses in  Jardin de la Reforma. Guanajuato, Mexico ( color)
There are 21 color pictures on this page out of 144 color pictures of Guanajuato.