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Newport, Rhode Island - 2

Pictures by QT Luong

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Newport Harbor lighthouse, Newport Bridge, and Narragansett Bay. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) Large yachts in Newport harbor. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) Row of historic houses. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) Area of shops near harbor. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) Chateau-sur-Mer mansion in Victorian style, viewed from lawn. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) Grounds of The Elms. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) Sunken garden and pavilions, The Elms. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) Sunken garden, The Elms. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) The Elms seen from its great lawn. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) Fence with the French Fleur de Lys royalty emblem. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) The Breakers seen through entrance gate grid. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color) Entrance gate and Salve Regina University at night. Newport, Rhode Island, USA ( color)
There are 12 color pictures on this page out of 27 color pictures of Newport.