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Central Nevada - 2

Pictures by QT Luong

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Golden Club and church, sunset, Austin. Nevada, USA ( color) Loneliest town on the loneliest road sign. Nevada, USA ( color) Road converging to the horizon. Nevada, USA ( color) Highway and Next Gas 163 miles sign. Nevada, USA ( color) Sign reading Loneliest road in America. Nevada, USA ( color) Shoes haning on tree, Highway 50. Nevada, USA ( color) Sage in bloom, Snake Range. Nevada, USA ( color) Refinery. Nevada, USA ( color) Electricity-generating windmills. Nevada, USA ( color) Sage in bloom and cabin, Snake Range. Nevada, USA ( color) Tonopah historic mining park. Nevada, USA ( color) Mining structures. Nevada, USA ( color) Historic mining building. Nevada, USA ( color) Historic mining equipement lining main street. Nevada, USA ( color) Historic buildings. Nevada, USA ( color) Old mining apparatus,  Pioche. Nevada, USA ( color) Cabin with old mining equipment, Pioche. Nevada, USA ( color) Old brick house, Pioche. Nevada, USA ( color) Boarded-up building, Eureka. Nevada, USA ( color) Post office, Eureka. Nevada, USA ( color) Opera house by night, Pioche. Nevada, USA ( color)
There are 21 color pictures on this page out of 43 color pictures of Central Nevada.