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Home / USA / California / Central California / Morro Bay / usca34776
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Yachts in calm Morro Bay harbor, sunset. Morro Bay, USA (color)

Yachts in calm Morro Bay harbor, sunset. Morro Bay, USA

Photo ID# usca34776   photographed on digital (high resolution)
Subjects: Atmosphere and Sky , Boats , Civilization , Coastlines , Distant Ranges , Geology , Harbors , Man-made spaces , Mountains , Nobody , Outside , Scenics with Sky , Seascapes , Sunsets , Transportation , Structures near water , Yachts

Themes: Sea Boats , Boats Shores, Coast Mountains, Fishing Boats California, Seascape Sunsets, Sunset over Ocean, Thailand World Heritage Sites, World Heritage Sites, Yachts Boat Harbor

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